The Whitetail Deer Rut in Texas is one of the most sought-after times of the year to hunt Whitetail Deer in Texas. Many hunters understand this is a popular time of the year to hunt, but some don’t understand on how to use the rut to their advantage. By understanding the rutting season and the advantages that come with it, you’ll be able to score big on hunting this season.

What is the Whitetail Deer Rut?
“The rut” is the time of year that deer choose to breed. Bucks are on the move to find a mate and hunters are on the move to find a buck. That’s why so many hunters tend to schedule their hunting vacations around this time to ensure that they’ll have plenty of opportunities to score some big game.
When it comes to whitetail breeding, a buck is in control. He may be attracted to a doe for five days, yet only willing to breed with the doe within a 24-hour period. If during the first cycle a doe is not bred, she will be able to do so again when she is in heat 28 days later.
Another situation you may encounter is too many does when compared to bucks. However, this is not the case with Schmidt Double T Ranches. We have a solid ratio of two bucks for every one doe, ensuring that you see more antlers when out on your hunt.
Why Choose to Hunt the Rut?
Many people like to hunt the rut because it increases their odds that they’ll come across a generous amount of whitetail deer. The bucks themselves are out looking for mates, putting them in one of their most vulnerable states. They lose much of their cautious nature when female deer are close by and can become quite hazardous in their behaviors. Their lack of attention is a hunter’s greatest asset, making the bucks easier to spot and hunt.
When is the Whitetail Deer Rut in Texas?
Rutting time varies across the region, which proves most beneficial for hunters trying to find bucks throughout the entire season. The Gulf Prairies and Marshes boast the earliest whitetail breeding, usually taking place between the end of August through late November.
The Edwards Plateau in the Hill Country of Texas has the highest whitetail deer production rate in the state—and lucky for you, that’s exactly where Schmidt Double T Ranches is located. In this region, whitetail breeding can begin as early as October, and continue through till the end of January.
At Schmidt Double T Ranches, you’ll get some of the best hunting experiences in the state of Texas. If you’re looking to hunt Whitetail Deer this coming season, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Schmidt Double T Ranches at 325-347-2613 today or visit us online for more information!